Lay Grant Reviewer

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People living with Parkinson’s are our driving force, shaping, steering and taking part in research. Whether you have Parkinson’s, or help support or care for a partner, friend or family member with Parkinson's, as a lay grant reviewer you will have an opportunity to influence research projects by feeding in the perspective of people affected by Parkinson’s. Your experience could make all the difference to ensure the research we fund makes the biggest possible difference to the lives of people with Parkinson’s.

Anne, lay grant reviewer says: “Becoming a lay grant reviewer was a way for me to use the knowledge I gained as I cared for Mum. It has also been helpful in my grief journey and enables me to give back to the charity that has supported me. "Now, having done quite a few, I realise it’s my first-hand knowledge of the condition that is important to share with researchers, who have the scientific knowledge but not the lived experience of how Parkinson's affects those who live with or alongside the condition."

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